Friday, July 13, 2012

Overcoming stress and anxiety

What is stress and anxiety? As Webster would define stress, “a force exerted when one body or body part presses on, pulls on, pushes against, or tends to compress or twist another body or body part.” While anxiety on the other hand is “painful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind usually over an impending or anticipated ill”. These words are synonymous to one another and not one is much aggravating than the other.
We humans are born to experience these earthly dispositions that causes tantrums and weakness in our physical being both mind and body. Not one individual is exempted from this undertaking and we must lived with it, understand it and find ways to overcome stress and anxiety, but how?
I have been working for nineteen years now in a pharmaceutical company, and if we talk of stress and anxiety, I have more than a handful of weakening dose and drunk hundreds even thousands of stress tabs, sleeping pills and vitamins just to offset the pain brought about by this devastating circumstance.  Pain is alleviated temporarily, days pass and it’s back. So, I have formulated an acronym of the word ANXIETY and STRESS to manage and overcome it since we can never eradicate these words for as long as we are living in this planet.
A – Apple
as the old cliché goes “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, I believe in this for fruits not only apple remove toxins in our body. Without toxins our body functions well and our mind is focused on the positive aspects.
N – Norm
Set  daily goals each day to achieve. Make goals that are realizable so as not to frustrate your self if you fell short.
X – Xplore
Explore things that are new and that catches your interests’. Do not dwell on the monotony of office work.
I – Importance
Give importance to others and give appreciation as well. In return they will return the favor which makes it a network of positive vibes.
E – Evolve
Transform yourself join the crowd and don’t be left behind. join gatherings and be involved. “if you are in Rome be a Roman.”
T – Training
Attend seminars and trainings that are social development oriented
Y  – Your
No matter what others say to you be it positive or negative, You are the boss. You are the captain of your ship. You think therefore you are. But listen to criticism acknowledge the positive and learn from the negative.   ANXIETY
S – Smile
Always wear a smile it makes your day and everyday a beautiful and wonderful day.
T – Time-out
In every ball game there is always a time out, when things get hot it’s time to cool down and take a break from office work.
R – Relax
Relax is quite similar to time-out. Go to the beach and unwind, drink beverages that cools you and have fun with friends and love ones.
E -Excercise
I love playing tennis or go to the gym to lift weights. This is good for cardio vascular routines and eliminates stress.
S – Speak
Say what is on your mind. Be true to yourself. But be wary for speech can also be very destructive to ones emotions. Say things in a nice way so as not to offend.
S – Sing
Videoke is an alternative, voicing out your anger and for sure this will eliminate STRESS.
I have written this article to share to you how I manage stress and anxiety and hoping this will be helpful…….

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