Saturday, July 14, 2012

Spiderman 2012 a movie to watch

I loved reading comics, specially if it's from DC comics and your friendly neighborhood Spiderman. This was before when I was a kid. Now that the story is depicted in the movie, I don't miss a single episode.... Thanks to the 21'st century...

There is a new sequel in the adventures of the young hero and I can't wait to view the movie. As far as I can remember, The villains that spidy had encountered in the previous movies that I viewed were Green Goblin, Black Goblin and Doctor Octopus, The recent one was Doctor Connors,, a scientist who turned into a monstrous lizard. This was brought about by his obsession to regenerate his amputated arm. Thus, he formulated a contraption that would replace it thru the help of Peter Parker who gave him the formula.

The formula was just about perfect, it did regenerate the missing arm but only for a brief moment. Dosage was doubled, tripled making him stronger but turning the scientist into a hideous creature and blinding him from the person that he once was.

Spiderman on the other hand was left with no other option but to stop the scientists madness of turning the whole city of New York into super humans in the image of a lizard.

The graphics and fight scenes were superb.................... The movie was worth watching.

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