Friday, July 13, 2012

19 Years of Boredom

My office is a 45 minute ride from my  domicile. Thus, I have to wake up early to elude the busy streets and the  traffic jams that  causes every employees nightmare  which is getting late. This scenario has  not change for the past 18 yrs.,  routinary and some what boring. It’s  Monday once again and the process continues, office reports must be submitted,  processing customer’s order’s, the ominous tone of the ringing of the phone and  eventually answering the other lines complaints and requests.
 How I wish It was still Sunday! No one can force me to get  up early, I could bask all day long on my bed or watch t.v. and even play the  game I loved playing which is loan tennis, go to malls  for window shopping, watch movies with friends, It’s really fun and  exciting.
Reality hurts and the truth is, it’s another week ahead of  performing the duties assigned and only a day(SUNDAY) of rest.
Often times I am compelled to tender my irrevocable  resignation for my mind is telling me to do so but hesitant to execute for there  are people who depends on me and I myself is pretty much dependent on my work  too. If only I have other means of getting income to sustain life and the   needs and wants of the people who depends on me.
As I write this article, it came to my mind to venture into a new endeavor which would remove the traffic jams that lingers in my mind and that is the boredom of being enclosed in the four walls of a land base office. I am planing to become a virtual assistant and work in my virtual office which is in my house. I have to opt this for I get to manage my time and be the person I wanted to be and at the same time have time for my growing kids who are missing me a lot. The problem is? where to start and how to start being a virtual assistant for my forte is blogging and being an office employee.
Please help me….. If you happen to drop by here on my blog by chance or by purpose and have read this article that I have written, It would be very beneficial to me if you give advice or direct me to a site that would conduct trainings and seminars for  virtual assistants. I am not just writing to share my daily rant but sharing with you a part of me.

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