Friday, July 20, 2012

How to avoid allergies

What is allergy? According to Mr. Webster "exaggerated or pathological immunological reaction (as by sneezing, difficult breathing, itching, or skin rashes) to substances, situations, or physical states that are without comparable effect on the average individual ". Allergy is relative and may differ from another person.

Most common mild reactions of a physical body from an allergen are redness on the skin or sometimes called hives, watery eyes, runny nose, itchiness and often times sneezing, other than these are severe symptoms such as constricted airways which make the person unable to breathe and could lead to death

Allergies can be brought about by pollen, dust, animal fur, and food. Some people suffer from allergies for a short period of time such as when pollen concentration is high, and this occurs in the months of  May and June where flowers bloom. On the other hand, allergic reactions to some people could be a whole year round undertaking.

It is very hard to know if you have an allergy to a substance, the best way is to under go a skin allergy test, usually several pricks are performed on the arm with possible allergens. If the skin is allergic, noticeable redness can be observed.

How to prevent allergies? Though allergy is inevitable, there is one word to combat this and that is avoidance. Avoid contact from pollen when you suspect that pollen trigs your allergy. Avoid eating shellfish and crustaceans for these food group is rich in allergens that trigs allergy.

From my own perspective, since I'm one of the many people suffering from allergy, sinusitis, I see to it that I don't get close or get in contact from substances that entices my allergy. I refrain from going out in my quarters when it is raining so as to avoid colds.When it is dry and humid, I drink plenty of fluids and most often cover my nose to prevent pollen inhalation.

I follow this simple steps on how to prevent allergies and it worked well for me. It's been a while now that I have not seek the help of anti allergy medicines to alleviate my suffering. Pretty sure it will work well for you too.

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