Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Removing stains from carpet

Removing stains is the worst nightmare for every house help, most specially if the stain is on an expensive rug. Every stain has its way of cleaning, not one is the same with the other.

Let me share with you the different ways and techniques in cleaning different stains.....

The most basic in cleaning stains in a carpet is pre-treat the stained part by pouring salt and cleaning solution, let it sit for about five to ten minutes and then get a brush and scrub the affected part. Let it dry and vacuum.

For beer stains, it is a must that you press paper towels over the stained part. Mix a solution of vinegar and water and spray over, after spraying press again  paper towel so to absorb the liquid. After the process of pressing the towel, it is time to prepare a mixture of warm water and few drops of liquid detergent. Pour a little on the stain and press paper towels until the carpet dries.

Getting rid of coffee stains, bolt paper towels on the stained area, spray warm water onto it and let it soak for a few minutes. Prepare a mixture of water and liquid detergent, spray the concoction over the stain and rinse by sprinkling water. After doing the process spread a paper towel over the affected area and let it dry.

Ink is the hardest stain to remove, but worry no more for the steps I will reveal to you in eliminating it from the carpet is proven and tested. here are the steps: but first let me show you the thing that you should not be doing. It is a rule never scrub the ink with a brush or anything that will spread the ink further and make the scenario worst. by doing so, it will just aggravate the problem. Get a paper towel and let it absorb the excess ink. Get a rag and put a few drops of alcohol, hover over the stained part by applying pressure until the ink is removed.

Additional tips on cleaning stains, once the stain is poured on the carpet never let it soak further to the thread for it will be hard to remove. Wet the stain and apply the right carpet cleaner for the kind of carpet.

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