Friday, July 13, 2012

Miami Heat a formidable force to reckon with

Yesterday, I posted in this blog about my prediction on what would happen in the fifth game of the NBA finals between Oklahoma City Thunder and the Miami Heat. It turned out to be correct, OKC never stood a chance with Miami Heat. The heat was really a force to reckon with and a formidable team that is cunning and crafty.
During the first quarter of the game, it is very obvious that the heat is really in heat to get the championship for the first five of the team are unleashing everything they have bombarding the goal from every angle, be it a perimeter jump shot,  in the rainbow country, alley hoops and the dunk shots that are like pirouette moves of a ballerina. and not to mention the deep bench players that they have which extended the lead more. On the other hand, OKC are striving and are striving very hard to cut down the lead  hoping to get the fifth game. Unluckily, the more they struggle to stay on top and regain the lead the more they are pulled down deeper and deeper to their sink hole.
In my own opinion wisdom is far better than age. Miami Heat as a team  is more experienced and has several appearances in the finals compared with the youngsters and erratic players of OKC. To tap it all,  Heat has far  more better players than the Thunders and having Lebron James and Dwayne Wade on their side made the team a perfect wrecking machine.
Better luck next time OKC

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