Monday, August 6, 2012

Why should I let go

Women are vulnerable in a relationship. I am not saying that they are the weaker sex but it is innate in a woman's physiology to understand their boyfriend even though it is obvious that they have been taken for granted or worst cheated.

Most often women are the savior, they play the role of a god taking time to fit every puzzle but to some extent can not restore the pieces that was once was. So why women would hold on to what is no longer mendable? The answer is fear. Fear of losing and letting go is scary.

Fear itself is fear, theres nothing that could change the meaning but facing your fear could change your perspective and norms in life and that goes with letting go. What's the use of keeping something that does not work well for you or holds you back from moving on. It will just imprison you in the past and living you hoping that things will be alright soon and at the end of the day it's going to be me and him.

Saving a relationship is just fair, if and only if your partner opts you and not someone else or his illusion of becoming someone he is not.

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