Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How to enjoy life

Not a single soul inhabiting this planet does not want to enjoy life, everybody is and all are striving to have one. Life is short and the race to achieve an enjoyable life is slim to most of us, for we don't have the money to fuel our needs and the elusive wants that is synonymous to having the good life.

Money by all means is a solution to enjoying life in a way but not the ultimate requisite to have in acquiring the perfect life. So, how to enjoy life when we can not buy the things that makes us enjoy life?

Positive approach - there are two types of people. first are the positive thinkers and second the negative thinkers. Positive thinkers are those who have a strong inner core in dealing with problems and taking it light and easy. They never burst or crack from pressure and has the ability to address the problem positively. On the other hand, negative thinkers crack under pressure and easily gives up from frustrations. Negative thoughts are always the answer to their problems.

Laugh - "Laughter is the best Medicine", this is the slogan that we see in the insert of Readers Digest. This is true. Laughter has medicinal properties that eases our burden and eliminates stress and anxiety and at the same rejuvenates cells and tissues making us young from the inside out.

Exercise - is the best way to eliminate toxins in our body. Toxins destroy our inner core as well as our well being which in turn affects our mind set making us think negatively. Exercise doesn't mean having a strenuous or tedious work out. It could only be a fifteen to thirty minute brisk walking.

Food - is vital in any living thing but eating the right thing makes it more conducive to having an enjoyable life. Stay away from fatty foods and too much junk. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and do away from proteins and heavy carb in take. Last but not the least drink plenty of fluids.

Celebrate - There are times that we achieved something that we least expected. It could be meeting the deadline of office report. Close a deal with a customer. Got a nice compliment from your boss. etc...It doesn't have to be a banquet of food but treating yourself with a regular lunch with a chocolate on the side or share your success with friends.

These are some of the things on how to enjoy life without having to much money. It's fun, simple and basically free to some degree.


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