Friday, August 10, 2012

Living la vida loca

Ricky Martin says it all from the music that he sung a few years back, Living la vida loca. We are really living the crazy life and not one individual is exempted from this phenomenon. We are entangled with the fast phase of life that is brought about by drastic changes of the ever changing world.

We wake up early to elude bottle necks and traffic jams in the streets of the metropolis and once we get in the office, we start staring at the monitors of our personal computers openning emails,  answering phone calls and beating the deadline of daily, weekly and monthly reports respectively.  Lunch break came and we sap for fifteen minutes and back again to our tables pounding every angle of the keyboard to finish what is to be done for the day to do away back logs that might complicate the work on the following day. The day is done and it's time to go home. We wait for vacant taxi cabs and eventually come home late. The kids are asleep and the husband/wife arrives late too. There is no more time to prepare and eat supper for you are exhausted on the days routine. Next day came and we start all over again from the great migration to the office and back to our domicile in the afternoon. A never ending cycle of frustration and boredom.

Living la vida loca or living the crazy life is here to stay, in fact each passing year it gets worst and more hectic than ever. I can't imagine what would life be by the turn of this century. I mean we humans has its limitations to some extent and could easily break under pressure. The question is can we sustain this kind of life by mimicing a hired help robot or being a robot itself.

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